
Backblaze for synology
Backblaze for synology

This user account will be able to access files but does not have system admin privileges (in case your credentials get compromised, the attacker won’t be able to lock the whole system). It is also a recommended practice for admin to have a separate user account for everyday activities. You can do this under Control Panel > User. You can make it a lot more difficult by disabling the default admin account and creating a new admin account under a different username (e.g., peter_admin). Many NAS attacks are simple brute-force techniques – attackers try to guess your username and password. Changing default DSM ports (source: ) Create new admin account Change these ports to any other number (e.g., 9876 / 9875) under Control Panel > Network > DSM Settings. This makes it very easy for an attacker to figure out where your DSM is hosted.

backblaze for synology

Step 1: Change default settings Change default portsĮvery Synology uses the same HTTP (5000) and HTTPS (5001) ports by default. No single measure will guarantee complete security, but taking these steps will probably help you prevent 99% of potential attacks.

backblaze for synology

These attacks typically do not happen because of some software or hardware issue, but rather due to the owner’s inability to adopt appropriate security precautions. Every brand has had its fair share of issues from ransomware attacks to virus infections. That’s great, but how do you secure it? The truth is, NAS devices are very interesting targets for hackers because they store sensitive information and are not always secured. So you just got your new Synology network-attached storage (NAS) device and uploaded terabytes of data on it.

Backblaze for synology